What do you imagine by crisis management? And what could a debriefing be in crisis management? In order to maximize your learnings from this article, before you continue reading, give yourself a few quick thoughts about what could follow here and what would make sense in relation to your situation. By thinking about these things, you start with step 1 of my 4-step process for successful crisis management, which I'll give you right away...

Crisis management is more than quick reactions to unforeseen events. As an experienced consultant and crisis manager, over the course of my career I have, among other things, developed an effective 4-step process that focuses on follow-up - debriefing. This process not only forms the basis of my keynote speeches, but is also a crucial part of my approach to continuous improvement.
Handle every crisis systematically: My 4-step process for successful crisis management
1. PLAN: Lay the foundation for success
Planning is crucial and begins well in advance of a potential crisis. All possible solutions for success are thought through in detail here.
2. BRIEF: Talk about hurdles together
Everyone involved is present at the briefing. Potential hurdles and fallback plans are discussed here in order to be prepared for any eventuality.
3. EXECUTE: Put the plan into action
The carefully planned process is put into action, following the clear guidelines and strategies from the briefing.
4. DEBRIEF: Continually improve
The debriefing, the crucial part of the process, takes up the most time. This is not about finding someone to blame, but rather about how to continually improve.
"A high-performing team embodies a culture of unwavering accountability, relentless focus on the mission, and cohesive collaboration. There is a deep foundation of trust among team members where everyone takes responsibility for their actions, supports each other, and works toward a common goal."

After the crisis is before the improvement: The 8 golden rules for effective debriefings in crisis management
1. Create the right environment
Avoid distractions and plan enough time.
2. Set clear goals
Measurable intentions for mission or project success.
3. Collect accurate and relevant information
Favor specific, measurable and unbiased information.
4. Focus on observations and facts
Focus on impartial observations and facts.
5. Look for the core causes
In-depth root cause analysis through repeated “Why was that like that?”
6. Generate insights and lessons learned
Positive wording for future improvements.
7. Develop an action plan
Concrete plan for measurable improvements.
8. Promote a culture of continuous improvement
Positive implementation of the action plan for steady development.
For detailed information and in-depth discussions about this process, please contact me or visit me on LinkedIn.

Keynote speaker for crisis management: Paths from the crisis to top performance
As an experienced crisis manager, I am not only active in the field, but also share my insights as a keynote speaker. In my lectures, I shed light on how effective crisis management not only overcomes challenges, but can also lead companies and teams to achieve top performance. If you are looking for inspiring insights into the world of crisis management, I am your expert.
Finally, I would like to share my debriefing agenda in 7 steps:
1. Facts
Start with the facts, moderated by the team or project leader.
2. Individual observations
Each team member describes their observations without hierarchies.
3. Strength and achievements
Emphasize what went well and why.
4. Areas for improvement
Identify together and mark for further analysis.
5. Root cause analysis
In-depth analysis, multiple “Why?” questions.
6. Teach
Positive formulation of findings for future improvements.
7. Action plan
Concrete plan with clear roles, deadlines and responsibilities.